Saturday, December 23, 2017

Winning one of our HOA Christmas lighting awards

Tonight we heard a car door close and looked out to see a car driving away.  Then I noticed a small sign on one side of our driveway.  We won.....most creative use of lights.  The idea for our lights came from the song Silver and Gold from the Rudolph the red nose reindeer movie (1964).  The trees look difficult to make but really were very easy.  I do think the hardest part was getting the power out to light them all. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Swans on Eagle Lake west of Fortine Montana

Our travels today took us up north to Fortine Montana.  Just west of the small town (maybe 5+ buildings) we noticed on the map Eagle Lake.  Drove over to the lake and noticed about 50 swans.  Even if it was the middle of the day and in direct sunlight I just had to try and take a picture. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Solar Eclipse 8/21/2017 from Stanley Idaho

What an awesome experience.  We watched the eclipse from Stanley Idaho and what a show we saw.  This picture is one of my favorites.  During the full eclipse it was interesting that the herd of cattle across the Salmon River started to moo like crazy.  We want to see the next one on the east coast of the country on April 8th 2024.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day to all fathers.

Today one should  celebrate the father we have as well as the fathers that have passed. John and I have both lost our fathers but we continue to celebrate the fact that they were here with us before and will continue in spirit forever.Take a moment today and thank your father.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The bear grass is in bloom!

This past weekend we happened to find a field of bear grass north of Whitefish Montana.  It only grows in the wild.  Enjoy.