Sunday, July 12, 2009

Yesterday we took off in the late afternoon to Yellowstone National Park. We happened to see this black bear just a few miles past the upper east entrance to the park. It was just happy to have found these tasty flowers that it did not mind us in our car as we drove by. We saw many other types of wild life on our afternoon trip. We saw a grizzly by Mount Washburn just rooting for bugs under the fallen logs. We also saw a cow moose sitting in the tall grass. There was even a coyote hunting along the road in the Lamar Valley. We saw a lot of geese and pelicans both on the rivers and near the shore of Yellowstone Lake. There were two male elk just after the Canyon area that were busy eating the green grass near the road. We also saw bison everywhere. Even got to see two males pushing each other around. They were making a lot of grunting noises and a lot of dust to go with it. One even got traped in the traffic walking down the road near the Fishing Bridge area. It was a very enjoyable trip, the weather was just perfect for afternoon viewing. Not too cool and not too hot just about 70 degrees.

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