Friday, November 2, 2012

Jackson Wyoming Last Week

Wyoming Moose

   We spend the first part of last week in Jackson, Wyoming for my birthday.  On my birthday I got my wish to see some bull moose.  The weather was cloudy all four days but what a sight to see not one but two bull moose at the same time.
What a Birthday Present!

Granite Falls up Granite Creek Canyon, Wyoming

John and I took off down towards the Hoback Junction that first afternoon after arriving in Jackson.  We decided  to head east up the Hoback Canyon.  We were looking at our Wyoming map as we were driving and noticed up Granite Creek Canyon there was a fall not to far from the road.  What a pleasant surprise.
Barn on Mormon Row

 This was the only type of view we got of the Tetons on our trip.  The clouds would not clear enough to get a better shot.  I still liked the view as this was the first time I had been in this area with snow.  On our last day in Jackson (Wednesday) we had more then this with periods of whiteout conditions.  We had to leave over the Teton Pass late morning after the pass was opened.  The road up was not bad but the trip down was a litter icy.  

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